Opharm S.A. a été fondée en 2020 en réponse à la demande rapide du marché pour les masques médicaux et de protection. En très peu de temps, l'entreprise est devenue un leader du marché en gagnant des clients dans toute l'Europe. Nous créons des produits médicaux et d'hygiène.
Notre objectif est de fournir à nos clients la meilleure qualité possible. Notre satisfaction est garantie par une production qui répond à toutes les normes européennes, confirmée par des certificats internationaux.
Nous fabriquons nos produits en Europe en utilisant des matériaux locaux. Nous insistons sur un processus rigoureux de contrôle de la qualité.

Nous connaître
Normes de qualité
Nos usines

Supporting the FemiNova Gynaecology and Obstetrics Centre
We support the FemiNova Gynaecology and Obstetrics Centre. Its mission is to care for the woman and her baby. At FemiNovea Birth School, our gift to …
PupiLove Fair in Warsaw
On 22 January we had the pleasure of participating as exhibitors at the PupiLove Fair in Warsaw. The fair is dedicated to producers and lovers of …
New! Pet Wipes – pH-appropriate wipes for animal skin
Paper Pet Wipes are another new addition to the Opharm Care range.Pet Wipes come in handy whenever it is not possible to bathe your pet and …
New! Toilet Wipes – wet toilet paper
Paper Toilet Wipes for flushing down the toilet! Hypoallergenic wipes have been created for people who, for various reasons, do not want or cannot use dry …
Support for neonatal departments in hospitals
In the Neonatal Units at several hospitals, parents can count on the support of the reliable Baby Wipes to care for their little ones! Parents receive …
Opharm Care is adding a product for people who love tanning – both in the sun and in a tanning bed.
In order to avoid irritation and dryness, the negative effects of overexposure to UV rays, we have created toning moisturizing Sun&SPA Wipes. Sun&SPA Wipes contain: soothing …

vêtements de protection

bonnets médicaux